How Fans Affect Games on the Field

Football as a sport has a long history and it has a lot of fans. And where there are a lot of and there are a lot of opinions on everything. If you gather hundred random football fans and ask what their favorite college football teams are – you probably will receive a hundred different answers. Maybe a few will respond that young people should be busy with writing custom term papers and don’t think of their extra curricula as about the sense of life. But we will leave those downers behind.

But when admirers of the same team are gathered in one place, it can change a lot. Are there really any effects of fans on players? We sure that fans influence players in many ways.


We can all remember a time when a big crowd erupted on the field at a player’s home game, cheering and supporting their team. When the game was over, there were complaints, but mostly celebrations. That’s because the crowd gives energy and support to a team and player. It may seem trivial, but it’s not. After years of playing, many athletes saw countless games end on funny notes when a player excels just because they feel support behind the back.

Impact on the team structure

The biggest challenge for every coach has been building a team that attracts crowds. That means having to get the most out of players in order to have them show up for the next game. When you’ve won a crowd is one thing, but if you don’t deliver, it can be devastating. When players like each other and support each other, they are motivated to improve concentration, determination and will-to-win. But if your fans see team members hate each other or someone acts weird – you may be booed. It will lower the morale of the whole team and lower performance.

Give energy

On the field, how fans to support their favorite team can make a big difference. During an important game, the home crowd gives incredible support to their player and the team as a whole. It can be really exciting when your team is playing in front of all your die-hard fans. Especially when your underdogs are playing against a much better team who is known to have a deep, experienced roster of players, you never know what can happen. You never know how your team will respond to the crowd’s excitement and passion.

Distract enemy

Even from the stands, fans still influence the outcome of a game. Whether you are watching on TV, listening on the radio or sitting in the stands, you cannot escape the effect of the fans. How hard it can be for a team of opponents to hear booing and hissing to them and cheers to you? It will definitely impact their will to win!

About Marcelo Villa

Marcelo is an associate editor at The Sports Daily, and has covered the San Diego Chargers for Bleacher Report. He also writes for Sportsdirect Inc.
